Friday, September 19, 2008

The pain in Caroline’s mouth had gotten so bad that it’s hard for her to eat and this morning she was given a ride to the family doctor. I on the other hand woke up at four with a horrible sore throat and had to make some hot tea with rum to kill off the bacteria and sooth the pain. I was sent to weed the grapes on the far end of the vineyard at eight, it was hard work as usual and my back hurts quite a bit.
After eating a spectacular lunch Sandra had prepared (it always is and I never leave a scrap on the plate) I prepared the inside walls of a holding tank for painting tomorrow. The afternoons here seem to always be much more laid back and by five I had decided I was done and took Caroline’s bike into town.
Right now I’m sitting in the park watching a few games of Boules. It’s pretty much exclusively older people in town but just a minute ago I was lucky enough to catch eyes with a cute girl walking out of the activity center where I get wireless. I’ll have to get on top of my French if I ever want to speak with her though, where are you when I need you the most Amanda?!
Anyway, the whether is once again perfect and the scenery is exactly what I pictured it would be. The days are moving fast though and I can’t wait to take a day off and explore. Maybe I’ll go to the coast; I hear that’s where I need to go first.
As soon as I take some better pictures of the farm and the châteaux I’ll be quick to post them, it’s an amazing place that’s for sure.
au revoir…

1 comment:

d.svetinovic said...

here begins the season of french decadance, vice, lust, wine, love...etc etc